A contemporary home is built in the current, 21st-century architectural style. Nowadays, contemporary architecture focuses on the trends of the time period in which a house is built and can include a mix of different design styles, like modern farmhouse, midcentury modern and bohemian.

Modern home design emphasizes clean lines and geometric shapes. No more are features such as arches, ornate columns, window shutters, or any outlandish ornamentation. In place of these features that at one point spoke of luxury and wealth are simple shapes and intentional asymmetry. The opulence of the past is no more.

The most obvious attribute of a colonial home is its symmetry. Colonial-style homes normally have a square or rectangle shape, with the door located in the exact center and the same number of windows reflected perfectly on either side. They traditionally have two to three stories with similar, traditional room layouts.

Luxury Condos
A luxury condo is a building within multiple units owned by a different individual. On the other hand, an apartment is a single house owned among a group of similar units. Apartments are designed similarly while condos carry a personal touch.

Luxury Townhomes
A townhome is a type of property that’s designed to provide owners with the best of condos and single-family homes. However, townhomes can vary substantially in appearance and size from one another, which is why it can be difficult to properly define a townhome.
While townhomes are similar to condos, they differ in how ownership of the property is structured. With a townhome, you will usually own the interior of the property as well as the land that’s situated along the exterior of your home.

Tony Ellis Sr.

Terrell Shields-Ellis